Taylor aka Tater….

Tater is a nickname that some of my family called me growing up and it stuck around. I wanted to incorporate a sentimental piece of me in my business and tater was it.

My customers ask me if I always baked or if this was a passion of mine. I have baked a few times here and there in the past but never like this. It never crossed my mind that I would make baking into a business rather than just baking for the holidays or special occasions. I have always been a “jack of all trades” from being a cosmetologist/permanent make up artist, to working behind a desk in finance, to dog sitting, and catering. Now I am a baker and it has brought me so much joy that I can make people happy with my treats. I can say that I have a go getter personality and my motivation is fueled from my support team. I want to thank everyone for spreading the word about my small business and helping me fulfill my passions.

